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Report No.

Effects of neutron flux and temperature history at the beginning of irradiation on the mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel irradiated with neutrons

Kasahara, Shigeki; Chimi, Yasuhiro; Nishiyama, Yutaka ; Kitsunai, Yuji*; Chatani, Kazuhiro*; Koshiishi, Masato*

Austenitic stainless steel irradiated with neutrons by using JMTR were examined to evaluate the effects of neutron flux and temperature history at the beginning of the irradiation on their mechanical properties. Specimens of SUS304 were irradiated under two different flux conditions up to a dose of 5$$times$$10$$^{24}$$ n/m$$^{2}$$. Neutron irradiation of SUS316L specimens up to 2$$times$$10$$^{25}$$n/m$$^{2}$$ was performed under the condition of so-called conventional temperature control, which used to be adopted in JMTR. The comparison of 0.2% proof stress obtained from the specimens suggests that the neutron flux and the temperature history does not remarkably influence the mechanical properties of the irradiated stainless steel.



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