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R&D activities of tritium technologies on Broader Approach in Phase 2-2

Isobe, Kanetsugu; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Iwai, Yasunori; Oyaizu, Makoto; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Suzuki, Takumi; Yamada, Masayuki; Edao, Yuki; Kurata, Rie; Hayashi, Takumi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Activities on Broader Approach (BA) were started in 2007 on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the EURATOM. The period of BA activities consist of Phase1 and Phase2 dividing into Phase 2-1 (2010-2011), Phase 2-2 (2012-2013) and Phase 2-3 (2014-2016). Tritium technology was chosen as one of important R&D issues to develop DEMO plant. R&D activities of tritium technology on BA consist of four tasks. Task-1 is to prepare and maintain the tritium handling facility in Rokkasho BA site in Japan. Task 2, 3 and 4 are main R&D activities for tritium and these are focused on: Task-2) Development of tritium accountancy technology, Task-3) Development of basic tritium safety research, Task-4) Tritium durability test. R&D activities of tritium technology in Phase 2-2 were underway successfully and closed in 2013.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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