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Report No.

Development of electromagnetic non-destructive testing method for the inspection of heat exchanger tubes of Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, 2; Detection of flaws on the inner surface using electromagnetic waves

Sasaki, Kota*; Yusa, Noritaka*; Wakai, Takashi ; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*

This study reports evaluations of applicability of a microwave nondestructive testing method for a flaw inside heat exchanger tubes in JSFR, which is a straight long-range tube whose diameter is 11.0 mm. Design of microwave probe profile on the basis of numerical simulations on transmission characteristics at the probe are carried out and the plate-structure microwave probe which enables to largely introduce microwaves into a pipe is confirmed. Experimental evaluations using straight brass pipe whose diameter and length are 11.0 mm and 12.0 m, respectively, reveal that good agreement between predicted location of a flaw and true locations.



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