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Report No.

Adaptation of the main duct maintenance technology used by Carbon Fiber Reinforce Polymer (CFRP)

Watahiki, Kenji; Kawasumi, Hiroyuki; Yatogi, Hideo; Inami, Shinichi

Off-gas of Tokai Reprocessing Plant, including gaseous radio-active element, has been emitted from main stack after through exhaust duct. There corrosion and crack at the part of the iron exhaust duct near the main stack. Repairing method was planned to be used iron plate covering the corroded and cracked area, which would be attached welded. To take into considering of reducing the weight of the attachment, much lighter materials namely carbon fiber reinforce polymer, CFRP, was applied except for the iron plate. Necessary numbers of layers of CFRP to be enough strength and inner pressure was calculated for designing. In order to achieve satisfying essential specification with workmanship, training for the workers was carried out using mock-up before the actual one. In this paper, we report the CFRP method is the efficient and effective method repairing corrosion and crack at the iron duct, in Tokai Reprocessing Plant.



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