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Report No.

Impacts of friction stir processing on irradiation effects in vacuum-plasma-spray coated tungsten

Ozawa, Kazumi; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Morisada, Yoshiaki*; Fujii, Hidetoshi*

Reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, as typified by F82H, is a promising candidate for structural material of DEMO fusion reactors. To prevent plasma sputtering, tungsten (W) coating was essentially required. This study aims to examine the irradiation effects on hardness and microstructure of vacuum-plasma-spray coated W-F82H steel, with a special emphasis on the impacts of grain-refining induced by frictional stir processing (FSP). It was revealed that the hardness of the VPS-FSP W after ion-irradiation to 5.4 dpa at 800$$^{circ}$$C were not remarkably changed, where bulk W usually exhibited significant irradiation hardening.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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