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Report No.

Integral test of international reactor dosimetry and fusion file on graphite assembly with DT neutron at JAEA/FNS

Ota, Masayuki; Sato, Satoshi; Ochiai, Kentaro; Konno, Chikara  

International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File release 1.0 (IRDFF 1.0), has been released from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently. In order to validate and test IRDFF 1.0, IAEA has initiated a new Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP). Under this CRP, we have performed an integral experiment on a graphite pseudo-cylindrical slab assembly with DT neutron source at JAEA/FNS. The graphite assembly of 31.4 cm in equivalent radius and 61 cm in thickness is placed at a distance of about 20 cm from the DT neutron source. A lot of foils for the dosimetry reactions in IRDFF1.0 are inserted into the small spaces between the graphite blocks along the center axis of the assembly. After DT neutron irradiation, reaction rates for the dosimetry reactions are measured by the foil activation technique. This experiment is analyzed by using Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP5-1.40 with recent nuclear data libraries of ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.2, and JENDL-4.0. The experimental assembly and DT neutron source are modeled precisely in the MCNP calculation. The reaction rates calculated with IRDFF 1.0 as the response functions for the dosimetry reactions are compared with the experimental values. Also the calculations with JENDL Dosimetry File 99 (JENDL/D-99) are performed for comparison. The results calculated with IRDFF 1.0 show good agreement with the experimental results.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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