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Report No.

Modification of vacuum plasma sprayed tungsten coating on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels by friction stir processing

Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Ozawa, Kazumi; Morisada, Yoshiaki*; Noh, S.*; Fujii, Hidetoshi*

The vacuum plasma spray (VPS) technique has been investigated as the most practical method to form Tungsten (W) layer as a plasma facing material in fusion devices. The issues are the thermal conductivity and the strength of VPS-W, i.e., the thermal conductivity of VPS-W were significantly lower than that of the bulk W, and the hardness of VPS-W is much less than that of the bulk W. These are mainly caused by the porous structure of VPS-W. In order to solve these issues, friction stir processing (FPS) was applied on VPS-W in this study. It was suggested that FSP can contribute to significant improvement both in mechanical and thermal properties of VPS-W coating.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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