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Report No.

Development of a database on analyses of contaminated water in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; The Release of FY2013 edition of the database on the analyses of contaminated water

Asami, Makoto; Watahiki, Hiromi; Oi, Takao ; Makino, Hitoshi ; Shibata, Atsuhiro  ; Kameo, Yutaka ; Meguro, Yoshihiro  ; Ashida, Takashi 

A database on the analyses of samples obtained from contaminated water in the circulating system of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station was built. This database contains the analyses of 25 samples of JAEA and 313 samples of TEPCO which have been published in FY 2011 to FY 2013. Also, as well as the analyses on contaminated water, the information on the stored and treated amount in accumulated water and the amount of produced waste, which has been published by TEPCO and which might be required in order to estimate the inventory of secondary waste (sludge, used vessels) generated by treatment of contaminated water are contained in this database. This technical report shows the function of this database and user manual with example and presents the FY2013 edition of database by appendix CD.



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