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Report No.

Evaluation of column separation methods for simplification of the wet chemistry approach to isolation of $$^{211}$$At

Watanabe, Shigeki; Gagnon, K.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Balkin, E. R.*; Wilbur, D. S.*

Difficulties with reproducibility of isolation yield when distilling $$^{211}$$At from irradiated bismuth targets led us to use a "wet chemistry" approach for that process. The wet chemistry approach has provided $$^{211}$$At isolation yields of 78% after decay and Bi attenuation corrections. However, the use of diisopropyl ether (DIPE) in the separation process has made it difficult to reach our goal of automating the $$^{211}$$At reaction. Therefore, we have investigated the use of column materials to simplify the isolation of $$^{211}$$At and remove DIPE from the process. In this investigation, we evaluated the use of a strong anion exchange resin (AG1x8), a strong cation exchange resin (AG MP-50) and a polypropylene glycol (PEG)-coated resin for separation of $$^{211}$$At from the bismuth target material.



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