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Report No.

Evaluation of fiber laser cutting and crushing applied to the removal technology of fuel debris and in-vessel structures

Yamada, Tomonori; Hanari, Toshihide ; Takebe, Toshihiko; Matsunaga, Yukihiro; Nguyen, P. L.; Muramatsu, Toshiharu

In the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi NPPs, remote handling techniques are necessary to remove the fuel debris which is solidified by mixed molten materials composed of fuels and in-vessel structures. In terms of remote handling, a laser beam can penetrate a narrow gap and it can shoot the substance without reactive force. Thus, a laser has been expected as one of the useful decommissioning tools. In this paper, to evaluate the cutting and crushing performances, we performed thick metal cutting and ceramics crushing using a fiber laser. A continuous wave mode and pulsed mode make it possible to cut a 30 mm thick SS400 steel plate and to crush a 10 mm thick alumina pellet. Moreover, we succeeded to cut a metal-ceramic mixture materials using fiber laser, in combination with x-y-z tri-axes control system and laser scanner. It is hoped that the outcome of the present study would be of some use to develop remote cutting and crushing technique for the decommissioning.



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