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Report No.

Fluorescence-lifetime resolved spectroscopy of neon using single-bunch synchrotron radiation

Suzuki, Norihiro*; Nagoshi, Tatsuro*; Yoda, Yumi*; Inoue, Naoki*; Harries, J.; Koike, Fumihiro*; Azuma, Yoshiro*

In this work we recorded the total ion and fluorescence yield spectra in the region of the Neon 2s2p$$^5(^3 rm P)3 rm p^2(^1rm P_1$$) double excitation resonance, near 73.8 eV. Whereas a Fano-like profile was observed in the fluorescence yield spectrum, no structure was visible in the ion yield spectrum. Thus this state appears stable against auto-ionization. Using single-photon counting during single-bunch operation we have separated the fluorescence into three separate components, and it is hoped that these will provide clues to the excitation and decay processes.



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