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Compact, open permanent-magnet EBITs optimized for use at synchrotron and FEL beamlines


Harries, J.; Buchauer, L. F.*; B$"u$cking, T.*; Bernitt, S.*; Micke, P.*; Crespo L$'o$pez-Urrutia, J.*

Harries, J.; Buchauer, L. F.*; B$"u$cking, T.*; Bernitt, S.*; Micke, P.*; Crespo L$'o$pez-Urrutia, J.*

Two new compact electron-beam ion traps have been developed which use NdFeB permanent magnets. Both traps have at their centres a 70 mm cubic vacuum chamber, offering large fields-of view of the trap contents for fluorescence detection. Arrays of NdFeB magnets (see figure) are used to create an axial magnetic field using soft-iron (MPIK trap) and permendur (SPring-8 trap) polepieces. The magnets can be removed for baking, and field strengths at the centre of the trap range from 0.4 T to over 1 T depending on the number of magnets used.



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