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Report No.

Positronium in room temperature ionic liquids

Hirade, Tetsuya  

Positronium (Ps; a bound state of positron and electron) has a negative work function in materials and forms a bubble state in liquids. On the way of stable bubble state, the bubble grows and probably oscillates. The usual fast bubble formation has not been observed with the time resolution of the positron annihilation methods that is usually 100-200 pico-seconds. There had been many anomalous phenomena observed in the room temperature ionic liquids (RTIL). Recently it was found that very slow bubble formation caused these anomalous phenomena. And hence the oscillation of the Ps bubble was successfully observed by the change of the annihilation rate of the triplet Ps that is affected by the size of the bubble. The oscillation and the decay of the bubble give the information of the viscoelastic properties at the sub-nano scale. The temperature dependence of the oscillation has been also successfully indicated.



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