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Report No.

A Precise characterization of laser-accelerated ion beams using solid state nuclear track detector

Kanasaki, Masato

Solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) which are represented by CR-39 detector are widely applied to laser-accelerated ion beam characterization. This is because SSNTDs have the great advantages of being insensitive to energetic electrons and photons, and are capable of detecting only protons and heavy ions. SSNTDs can reveal the precise information of laser-accelerated ion beams such as energy spectra and spatial distributions with an appropriate analytical method depending on each situation. In this presentation, we are going to introduce the characterization of laser-accelerated ion beams using SSNTDs, such as the diagnosis method of intense high energy ion beams using back-scattered particles and characterization of laser-accelerated heavy ions using low sensitive detectors, with the current status of laser-driven particle acceleration experiment at Kansai Photon Science Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency.



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