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Report No.

The Periodic safety review report of Tokai Reprocessing Plant

Fukuda, Kazuhito ; Tomioka, Kenichiro*; Omori, Satoru; Nakano, Takafumi ; Nagasato, Yoshihiko 

The Periodic Safety Review of TRP is assessment of the validity of safety activities in order to get assurance for continuous operation by adding effective items to extract and to execute for TRP safety. We performed 4 items; for (1) evaluation of safety activity at TRP, as we confirmed organization was ordered and managed. For (2) evaluation of status of safety activities reflecting the latest knowledge, we confirmed improvement of safety was continued adequately reflecting from the experience for safety. For (3) technical review on aging for the safety related structures, systems and components, we evaluated the guaranty of safety under assumption of continuous maintenance till the next Periodic Safety Review. For (4) establishment of long term maintenance program, we found no additional activities into maintenance programs, however, for several installations we established a plan and utilized them for reliability.



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