Assessment of accuracy of plasma shape reconstruction by Cauchy Condition Surface method in JT-60SA
宮田 良明; 鈴木 隆博; 井手 俊介; 浦野 創; 武智 学
Miyata, Yoshiaki; Suzuki, Takahiro; Ide, Shunsuke; Urano, Hajime; Takechi, Manabu
It is essential for a stable plasma equilibrium control to reconstruct an accurate plasma boundary in tokamak devices. Cauchy Condition Surface (CCS) method is a numerical approach to calculate the spatial distribution of the magnetic flux outside a hypothetical plasma surface and reconstruct the plasma boundary from the magnetic measurements located outside the plasma. It is found that the optimum number of unknown parameters and shape of the CCS for minimizing errors in the reconstructed plasma shape increase in proportion to the plasma size. It is shown that the accuracy of the plasma shape reconstruction greatly improves by using the optimum number of unknown parameters. The assessment of accuracy of plasma shape reconstruction by CCS method in JT-60SA is reported.