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Report No.

Corrosion properties of F82H in flowing high temperature pressurized water

Nakajima, Motoki; Hirose, Takanori; Tanigawa, Hisashi; Enoeda, Mikio

Water-cooled blanket is an attractive concept for its compactness and its compatibility with the conventional technologies for PWR. For blanket application, the structural material is required to be as thin as possible for tritium breeding. On the other hand, it is also required the pressure tightness to withstand 15 MPa of internal pressure. Therefore it is necessary to understand the corrosion mechanism in high temperature pressurized water. The effects of water flow and DO in the test water on corrosion properties were investigated using rotating disk specimen in autoclave. In summary, the weight loss by flowing was occurred except for test with DO 8 ppm, and it was more pronounced at lower DO concentration. Since Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ was observed on the specimen of small weight change, and the iron-poor layer thickness increased with decreasing the specimen weight, it seemed that the formation of Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ was effective for the suppression of weight loss.



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