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Report No.

Increment of the machine protection system in J-PARC rapid cycling synchrotron

Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Kawase, Masato; Iwama, Yuhei; Fukuta, Shimpei; Kato, Yuko; Ouchi, Nobuo ; Meigo, Shinichiro   ; Oi, Motoki ; Kamikubota, Norihiko*

The radiation leak accident happened in the hadron experimental hall of J-PARC on May 23, 2013. The accident was caused by a target sublimation due to an unanticipated beam from the 50 GeV main ring (MR). To detect and prevent the radiation leakage in all facilities of J-PARC, we improve the machine protection system (MPS). In the J-PARC 3GeV synchrotron (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron, RCS), a monitoring system of an abnormal state of the extraction beam to the mercury target of material life science experiment facility (MLF) were prepared. The radiation level of the gas in the tunnel were able to always observed by connecting radiation safety system and accelerator control system. The dump temperature was included in the MPS. We also developed new interlock system that can stop the beam immediately when the beam current exceed the limit.



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