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Report No.

Installation and performance check of beam monitors for energy upgraded J-PARC linac

Miura, Akihiko ; Ouchi, Nobuo ; Oguri, Hidetomo  ; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Maruta, Tomofumi*; Liu, Y.*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Ikegami, Masanori*

An energy upgrade project has started in the J-PARC Linac since 2009. In the upgraded project, beam energy in the Linac has increased from original 181 MeV to 400 MeV using the additional 21 Annular-ring Coupled Structure Linac (ACS) cavities. The new beam monitors as the beam current monitors, the phase monitors, the beam position monitors and the transverse profile monitors (wire scanner monitors) were designed and fabricated. By the end of November, 2013, all beam monitors were completely installed. From the middle of December, we started the beam commissioning to achieve the beam energy as 400 MeV, as well as to confirm the beam monitor functioning. We achieved the 400 MeV beam acceleration at the middle of January, 2014 using newly installed beam monitors. This paper describes the beam monitor installation and the beam commissioning results of beam monitor functioning.



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