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Report No.

Fabrication of tungsten and carbon clad plates by sinter bonding methods

Kishimoto, Hirotatsu*; Matano, Minoru*; Asakura, Yuki*; Fukumoto, Masakatsu; Kubo, Hirotaka

Tungsten is one of the candidates for a plasma-facing material in a future fusion device. In the future of JT-60SA, plasma-facing components of carbon are planned to be replaced to those of tungsten. However, tungsten blocks are too heavy for the structure of JT-60SA. Joining of thin tungsten plates to carbon substrates is an alternative candidate. In this study, a tungsten plate has successfully been joined to graphite and carbon fiber composites (CFC) by a sinter bonding method with a thin silicon carbide (SiC) sheet under argon gas atmosphere with a pressure and temperature of 20 MPa and 1900 $$^{circ}$$C, respectively. Composition analysis of the interface indicated that silicon diffuses into the tungsten plate and carbon substrate and carbon diffuses into the tungsten plate. The SiC sheet disappeared after the joining. These results indicate that the SiC sheet plays an important role for joining of the tungsten and carbon plates.



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