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Report No.

Science from the initial operation of HRC

Ito, Shinichi*; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Masuda, Takatsugu*; Yoshizawa, Hideki*; Soda, Minoru*; Ikeda, Yoichi*; Ibuka, Soshi*; Kawana, Daichi*; Sato, Taku*; Nambu, Yusuke*; Kuwahara, Keitaro*; Yano, Shinichiro*; Akimitsu, Jun*; Kaneko, Yoshio*; Tokura, Yoshinori*; Fujita, Masaki*; Hase, Masashi*; Iwasa, Kazuaki*; Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Fukuda, Tatsuo  ; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Yoshida, Koji*; Yamaguchi, Toshio*; Ono, Kanta*; Endo, Yasuo*

Since the installation of the High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer, HRC, experiments using the HRC are being conducted to observe the dynamics in wide range of physics. Scientific results during the period since the initial construction are summarized.



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