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Integrated tokamak modelling with the fast-ion Fokker-Planck solver adapted for transient analyses


藤間 光徳; 濱松 清隆; 林 伸彦; 本多 充; 井手 俊介

Toma, Mitsunori; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Honda, Mitsuru; Ide, Shunsuke


Integrated tokamak modelling that enables the simulation of an entire discharge periodis indispensable for designing advanced tokamak plasmas. For this purpose, we extend the integrated code TOPICS to make it more suitable for transient analyses in the fast-ion part. The fast-ion Fokker-Planck solver is integrated into TOPICS at the same level as the bulk transport solver so that the time evolutions of the fast ion and the bulk plasma are consistent with each other as well as with the equilibrium magnetic field. The integrated code is applied to ramp-up simulations for JT-60SA and ITER to confirm its capability and effectiveness in transient analyses. In the integrated simulations, the coupled evolution of the fast ions, plasma profiles, and equilibrium magnetic fields are presented.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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