Data report of ROSA/LSTF experiment SB-CL-32; 1% cold leg break LOCA with SG depressurization and no gas inflow
Takeda, Takeshi 
Experiment SB-CL-32 was conducted on May 28, 1996 using the LSTF. The experiment SB-CL-32 simulated 1% cold leg small-break LOCA in PWR under assumptions of total failure of HPI system and no inflow of non-condensable gas from ACC tanks. Secondary-side depressurization of both SGs as AM action to achieve the depressurization rate of 200 K/h in the primary system was initiated 10 min after break. Core uncovery started with liquid level drop in crossover leg downflow-side. The core liquid level recovered rapidly after first LSC. The surface temperature of simulated fuel rod then increased up to 669 K. Core uncovery took place before second LSC induced by steam condensation on ACC coolant. The core liquid level recovered rapidly after second LSC. The maximum fuel rod surface temperature was 772 K. The continuous core cooling was confirmed because of coolant injection by LPI system. This report summarizes the test procedures, conditions and major observation.
- Registration No. : DC20140021
- JAEA Abstracts No. : 43000004
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