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Report No.

Radiation dose of aircrews during a solar proton event without ground-level enhancement

Kataoka, Ryuho*; Nakagawa, Yumi*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   

A significant enhancement of radiation dose is expected for aircrews during ground-level enhancement (GLE) events, while the possible radiation hazard remains open question during on-GLE solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Using a new air shower simulation driven by the proton flux data obtained from GOES satellites, we show the possibility of significant enhancement of the effective dose rate of up to 4.5 $$mu$$Sv/h$$^{-1}$$ at conventional flight altitude of 12 km during the largest SEP event which did not cause a GLE. As a result, new GOES-driven model is proposed to give the upper limit of the radiation dose in the stratosphere during non-GLE SEP events.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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