Fission study of actinide nuclei using multi-nucleon transfer reaction
Nishio, Katsuhisa
; Hirose, Kentaro
; L
guillon, R.; Makii, Hiroyuki
; Nishinaka, Ichiro; Orlandi, R.
; Smallcombe, J.
; Chiba, Satoshi*; Araki, Shohei*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Tatsuzawa, Ryotaro*; Takaki, Naoyuki*; Andreyev, A.*
Recent development of the fission study using multi-nucleon transfer reaction at the JAEA tandem facility will be presented. Using multi-nucleon transfer reaction, wide variety of nuclei around the target nucleus is produced. By identifying transfer channel, fission properties of several compound nuclei can be studied in one experiment. Another feature of transfer reaction is that excitation energy of a compound nucleus can be populated continuously from the ground state up to several tens MeV, allowing us to study the excitation energy dependence of fission properties. Experiments were carried out in the reactions of
O +
U and
O +
Th. Transfer channel and the excitation energy of the compound nucleus were determined by using silicon
E-E detectors. Fission fragments are detected by position-sensitive multi-wire proportional counters. Results for fission fragment mass distributions for more than 20 nuclei and their excitation energy dependence will be discussed.