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Report No.

Development of a soft X-ray spectrometer with a wideband Ni/C multilayer grating covering the energy range of 1-3.5 keV at a constant angle of incidence

Imazono, Takashi; Koike, Masato; Kuramoto, Satoshi*; Nagano, Tetsuya*

We designed a flat-field soft X-ray spectrometer to detect the L X-rays from CIS thin-film solar cells. In the case of conventional spectroscopy instruments such as wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometer and energy-dispersive one, it is difficult to cover the whole energy range of 1-3.5 keV, which includes the L X-rays of Cu, Se and In consisting of a CIS absorber layer, without any mechanical movement for wavelength scanning, i.e., at a constant angle of incidence. To solve this problem, an aperiodic Ni/C multilayer is innovated and applied to a wideband multilayer grating covering the energy range of 1-3.5 keV at a constant angle of incidence.



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