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Report No.

Fundamental experiments on phase stabilities of Fe-B-C ternary systems

Sudo, Ayako ; Nishi, Tsuyoshi; Shirasu, Noriko  ; Takano, Masahide ; Kurata, Masaki 

For understanding the control blade degradation mechanism of BWR, the thermodynamic database for the fuel assembly materials is a useful tool. Although iron, boron, and carbon ternary system is a dominant phase diagram, phase relation data is not sufficient for the region in which the boron and carbon compositions are richer than the eutectic composition. The phase relations of three samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and energy dispersed X-ray spectrometry. The results indicate that Fe$$_{3}$$(B,C) phase only exists in the intermediate region at 1273 K and that the solidus temperature widely maintains at about 1400 K for all three samples, which are different from the calculated data using previous thermodynamic database. The difference might be originated from the over-estimations of the interaction parameter between boron and carbon in Fe$$_{3}$$(B,C).



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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