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Report No.

Development research of corrosion-resistant structural material using Fe-Si alloy lining centrifugal cast-iron for thermochemical water-splitting iodine-sulfur process

Ioka, Ikuo  ; Kuriki, Yoshiro*; Iwatsuki, Jin ; Kubo, Shinji  ; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki

The thermochemical water-splitting (IS process) for hydrogen production has been developed by JAEA as application of a high-temperature gas cooled reactor. The IS process includes a severe corrosion environment which is made to boil and decompose concentrated sulfuric acid. Two kinds of brittleness materials, SiC and Fe-high Si alloy, are reported as materials having enough corrosion resistance in this corrosion environment. The two-layer pipe consisted of the Fe-high Si alloy with boiling sulfuric acid-resistant and the carbon steel with the ductility was produced by centrifugal casting. The evaluation of characteristics was carried out. The Fe-high Si alloy lining showed enough corrosion resistance in boiling sulfuric acid. As evaluation of the Fe / Fe-high Si alloy interface, thermal cycle test (100$$^{circ}$$C-900$$^{circ}$$C) was executed. There was not the interface detachment and it was confirmed to have enough interfacial strength.



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