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Report No.

Development of advanced MOX holdup measurement technology for improvement of MC&A and safeguards

Nakamura, Hironobu ; Mukai, Yasunobu ; Kurita, Tsutomu 

The Distributed Source-Term Analysis (DSTA) technique has been used in a variety of safeguards applications to determine location and quantity of material contained within large sample volumes. By applying this method, JAEA developed and applied two different neutron measurement techniques in order to improve own MC&A. The first advanced technique is a Glove Box Cleanout Assistance Tool (BCAT). It is used by operator during cleanout just before PIT to increase recovered material, to decrease unmeasured inventory, and to perform the cleanout activity effectively. The BCAT is being introduced to the actual cleanout since 2011. The second advanced technique is a dynamic cross-talk correction (DCTC) method. The DCTC can obtain actual doubles signal cross-talk between multiple gloveboxes. In order to assay Pu amount in the holdup correctly, we implemented an improved HBAS system using DCTC. Two advanced holdup measurement technologies provide appropriate safety and safeguards environment to conduct nuclear cycle with operator and inspector.



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