※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Investigation of multi-dimensional effect in sodium leak and fire behavior


大野 修司  

Ohno, Shuji


This paper presents the typical characteristics of sodium combustion and subsequent reaction heat transfer behaviors observed and investigated in sodium columnar leak and fire experiment which was conducted in an enclosed steel vessel with large inner volume of about 100 m$$^{3}$$. Especially the experiment was carried out with the main focus on the burning phenomenon within a limited spatial area in the case of large sodium leak rate as well as on the multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulics both near a sodium burning zone and in a whole region in the vessel. The investigated experimental results show us that the sodium combustion of columnar leak and its splashed droplets would lead to important oxygen deficiency behavior near the burning region, and be followed by the limitation or saturation of maximum sodium burning rate.



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