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Report No.

Gravity support design and manufacturing of the JT-60SA vacuum vessel

Ejiri, Mitsuru*; Asano, Shiro*; Omori, Junji*; Okuyama, Toshihisa*; Takahashi, Nobuji*; Yamada, Masahiro*; Araki, Takao*; Kai, Toshiya*; Shibama, Yusuke; Masaki, Kei; Sakasai, Akira

In the operation of Tokamak device, such loads as electromagnetic and seismic are assumed to be imposed on the vacuum vessel (VV), and not a little thermal expansion takes place when VV is baked. The gravity support (GS) has to support the loads described above in addition to the dead weight of VV including in-vessel components and compensate deformation. The GS is equipped with leaf spring that has both stiffness and flexibility. In this study, the FEM analysis-based design and assembly procedure of the GS is reported. The manufacturing process of GS components is also reported with trial manufacturing results.



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