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Report No.

Problems on FENDL-3.0

Konno, Chikara  ; Ota, Masayuki; Kwon, Saerom; Ochiai, Kentaro; Sato, Satoshi

We carried out the benchmark tests of the general-purpose data library for neutron-induced reactions in FENDL-3.0 with the integral experiments at JAEA/FNS, JAEA/TIARA and Osaka Univ./OKTAVIAN. We also tested the MATXS files of FENDL-3.0 with a simple calculation model and compared KERMA and DPA data included in the ACE and MATXS files of FENDL-3.0 with those in other nuclear data libraries. In this symposium we present the following problems in FENDL-3.0 found out in our study; (1) The $$^{16}$$O data above 20 MeV in FENDL-3.0 should be revised. (2) The most MATXS files in FENDL-3.0 have no energy-angular distribution data for the non-elastic scattering reaction. (3) Some of KERMA and DPA data included in the ACE and MATXS files of FENDL-3.0 should be revised.



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