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Hydration and dynamics of bio-molecule studied by incoherent neutron scattering and molecular simulation

中川 洋   

Nakagawa, Hiroshi


The directions of the neutron inelastic scattering in life science research have been shown by conquering the weak point which neutron experimental maneuver has by the supplement by the interpretation by a molecular simulation, and the device of procurement of a sample. By using a molecular simulation to the analysis of the experimental data of neutron inelastic scattering, it can be said that it is the research which it not only says that the analysis to which calculation was united with the experiment complementarily and synergistically compensates the weak point which experimental maneuver only has, but was excellent in neutron use in the point of pulling out the information potentially included in experimental data of analyzing structure dynamics by atomic resolution. Hydration of a biomolecule and research of dynamics have many outstanding problems which are not known if it is not a neutron, and have inquired by harnessing the advantage of a neutron to the utmost. And the structure fluctuation supporting the function of a biomolecule solved the structure revealed by an interaction with hydrated water by research which combined neutron inelastic scattering and a molecular simulation.



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