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Report No.

Depth profiles of radioactive cesium in soil using a scraper plate over a wide area surrounding the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, Japan

Matsuda, Norihiro  ; Mikami, Satoshi   ; Shimoura, Susumu*; Takahashi, Junko*; Nakano, Masakazu; Shimada, Kiyotaka*; Uno, Kiichiro; Hagiwara, Shigetomo; Saito, Kimiaki  

Depth profiles of radioactive cesium from the Fukushima accident in soils was obtained using a scraper plate three times between December 2011 and December 2012. In most of the obtained depth profiles, it was possible to fit the concentration to a function of mass depth as either an exponential or sech function. By using those functions, following three parameters were estimated: (1) relaxation mass depth $$beta$$ (g cm$$^{-2}$$), (2) effective relaxation mass depth $$beta$$$$_{eff}$$ (g cm$$^{-2}$$), and (3) 1/10 depth L$$_{1/10}$$ (cm). It was observed that depth profiles at some study sites deviated from the typical exponential distributions over time. Downward migration rate V (kg m$$^{-2}$$ y$$^{-1}$$) estimated by the sech function were in good agreement with those found by a realistic approach using a diffusion and migration model.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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