※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Remediation of contaminated areas in the aftermath of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; Overview, analysis and lessons learned, 2; Recent developments, supporting R&D and international discussions

福島第一原子力発電所事故後の環境修復の取り組み; 概要、分析および教訓,2; 広域除染の現状、除染技術開発、除染をめぐる国際的な議論

福島研究開発部門 福島環境安全センター

Fukushima Environmental Safety Center, Sector of Fukushima Research and Development


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) was charged with conducting a range of "Decontamination Pilot Project" to examine the applicability of decontamination technologies. The project was implemented at 16 sites in 11 municipalities within the evacuated zone. Despite tight boundary conditions in terms of timescale and resources, the project provides a good basis for developing recommendations on how to assure decontamination efficiency and worker safety whilst additionally constraining costs, subsequent waste management and environmental impacts. This report, based on the Japanese detailed reports that have been published elsewhere, consists of two volumes. The volume 1 summarises the Decontamination Pilot Project, providing the background required to put this work in context for an international audience. In this volume 2, the subsequent application of output from these projects to regional remediation now being conducted by the Japanese government and municipalities, is discussed, along with a status update on such work, an overview of associated JAEA's R&D and international input to/review of regional environmental decontamination in Fukushima.



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