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Report No.

Numerical simulations of terahertz emission from intrinsic Josephson junctions with variation of the number of junctions

Ota, Yukihiro; Machida, Masahiko  ; Koyama, Tomio*; Matsumoto, Hideki*

Observing the teraherz radiation emission from Bi$$_{2}$$Sr$$_{2}$$CaCuO$$_{8}$$ leads to a number of the experimental and theoretical studies of revealing the mechanism of the behaviors in superconducting engineering. We develop a large-scale simulation approach for the teraherz emission from intrinsic Josephson junction stacks with multiple spatial scales. We focus on the effects of the number of the junctions in the system, which is considered to be a key ingredient of determining the emission-power bound. Our simulation method successfully predicts the amplification of the emission peaks corresponding to the fundamental mode, i.e., a primary contribution in low-current-biased region.



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