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Report No.

Upgrading the experimental database of fission products and actinides release behaviour in the VERCORS program through chemical analysis

Miwa, Shuhei  ; Ducros, G.*; Hanus, E.*; Bottomley, P. D. W.*; Van Winckel, S.*

The release behaviour of $$alpha$$-ray emitters, $$beta$$-ray emitters and stable nuclide from the degraded fuel in the fission product (FP) and actinide release and transport tests, VERCORS tests, were investigated based on the chemical analysis of their deposits on the components of VERCORS test loops. The release of Sr which has a significant public impact shows the possibility to be enhanced in reducing atmosphere. The release of U was significantly enhanced in steam atmosphere, but almost all the released U remained near the fuel. The release behaviour of other non-$$gamma$$-ray emitters such as Rb, Pd, Tc and Pu shows the good consistency with the expectation based on the previous VERCORS tests results. The experimental database of the FP and actinide release behaviour was upgraded through the chemical analysis in terms of the effects of atmosphere on the release behaviour of $$alpha$$-ray emitters, $$beta$$-ray emitters and stable nuclide.



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