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Report No.

Development of evaluation method with X-ray tomography for material property of IG-430 graphite for VHTR/HTGR

Sumita, Junya ; Shibata, Taiju ; Fujita, Ichiro*; Kunimoto, Eiji*; Yamaji, Masatoshi*; Eto, Motokuni*; Konishi, Takashi*; Sawa, Kazuhiro

In this study, in order to develop evaluation method for material properties and to evaluate the irradiation-induced property changes under higher neutron doses for IG-430, the oxidation and densification effects on elastic modulus of IG-430 were investigated. Moreover, the correlation of the microstructure based on the X-ray tomography images and the material properties was discussed. It was shown that the elastic modulus of the densified graphite depends on only the closed pores and it is possible to evaluate the material properties of graphite by using X-ray tomography method. However, it is necessary to take into account of the change in the number and shape of closed pores in the grain to simulate the elastic modulus of the highly oxidized and irradiated materials by the homogenization analysis.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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