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A Study on accelerator-driven transmutation system in JAEA

Sasa, Toshinobu   

To reduce the burden of radiological nuclides contained in spent nuclear fuel, Partitioning-Transmutation (P-T) technology is noted as an option for nuclear waste management in the new national strategic energy policy. As for the system for waste transmutation, an accelerator-driven system is desirable as a dedicated transmutor. To perform basic studies for an accelerator-driven system, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency has promoted the design of the Transmutation Experimental Facility within the framework of the J-PARC project. A lead-bismuth spallation target, which is bombarded with 400 MeV - 250 kW protons, and a low-power subcritical reactor will be installed in the facility. Construction will start within a few years after the national review of P-T technology.



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