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Report No.

Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an X-ray range spectrum in JET with the ITER-like wall configuration

Nakano, Tomohide; Shumack, A.*; Maggi, C. F.*; Reinke, M.*; Lawson, K.*; Coffey, I.*; P$"u$tterich, T.*; Brezinsek, S.*; Lipschultz, B.*; Matthews, G. F.*; Chernyshova, M.*; Jakubowska, K.*; Scholz, M.*; Rzadkiewicz, J.*; Czarski, T.*; Dominik, W.*; Kasprowicz, G.*; Pozniak, K.*; Zabolotny, W.*; Zastrow, K.-D.*; Conway, N. J.*; JET Contributors*

The $$mbox{W}^{45+}$$ and $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ 3p-4d inner shell excitation lines in addition to $$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$ 2p-3s lines have been identified from the spectrum taken by an upgraded high-resolution X-ray spectrometer. It is found from analysis of the absolute intensities of the $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ and $$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$ lines that W and Mo concentrations are in the range of $$sim10^{-5}$$ and $$sim10^{-6}$$, respectively, with a ratio of $$sim$$ 5% for ELMy H-mode plasmas with a plasma current of 2.0- 2.5 MA, a toroidal magnetic field of 2.7 T and a neutral beam injection power of 14-18 MW. For the purpose of checking self-consistency, it is confirmed that the W concentration determined from the $$mbox{W}^{45+}$$ line is in agreement with that from the $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ line within 20% and that the plasma effective charge determined from the continuum of the first order reflection spectrum is also in agreement with that from the second order within 50%. Further, the determined plasma effective charge is in agreement with that determined from a visible spectroscopy, confirming that the sensitivity of the X-ray spectrometer is valid and that probably the W and the Mo concentrations are also valid.



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