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Report No.

Development of operation scenarios for plasma breakdown and current ramp-up phases in JT-60SA tokamak

Urano, Hajime; Fujita, Takaaki*; Ide, Shunsuke; Miyata, Yoshiaki; Matsunaga, Go; Matsukawa, Makoto

The operation scenarios for plasma breakdown and current ramp-up phases in JT-60SA tokamak have been developed. The induced current in the in-vessel conducting elements such as vacuum vessel and stabilizing plate increases to the comparable level of plasma current of $$sim$$600 kA during the breakdown phase and thus enhances the strength of error field. The optimized scenarios for half and full pre-magnetization cases satisfied the conditions required for the plasma initiation. At the initial plasma, the vertical magnetic field required to sustain the plasma position was controlled by the outer equilibrium field (EF) coil currents which compensate for a vertical field due to a large eddy current. The condition for the formation of divertor configurations given by the combination of the magnetic flux for plasma and the plasma current enables us to develop the operational scenarios with a smooth transition from a limiter to a divertor configuration.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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