Seismic analysis of the ITER blanket remote handling system
野口 悠人; 丸山 孝仁; 武田 信和; 角舘 聡
Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi
This paper reports the seismic analysis of the ITER Blanket RH system (BRHS) during blanket module handling operation. Since the BRHS, which is composed of the articulated rail and the vehicle manipulator, which travels on the rail deployed in the vacuum vessel in the toroidal direction, has various configurations and the rail system has flexibility, evaluation of dynamic response of the system is of essential importance. Via parameter sensitivity study on position and posture of the vehicle manipulator, the most unfavorable configuration for each component of the BRHS has been specified by the modal and spectrum analyses with the global BRHS FE model. Then using the quasi-static equivalent loads on the individual components obtained by the global BRHS seismic analysis, the structural verifications of the structural members of the BRHS have been carried out with detailed partial FE models. The system seismic resistance of the BRHS to a safe shutdown earthquake was confirmed.