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Report No.

Mechanical properties of fuel debris for defueling toward decommissioning

Hoshino, Takanori ; Kitagaki, Toru  ; Yano, Kimihiko ; Okamura, Nobuo ; Ohara, Hiroshi*; Fukasawa, Tetsuo*; Koizumi, Kenji 

In the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F), safe and steady defueling work is requested. Before the defueling in 1F, it is necessary to evaluate fuel debris for properties related to the defueling procedure and technology. It is speculated that uranium and zirconium oxide solid solution is one of the major materials of fuel debris in 1F, according to TMI-2 accident experience and the results of past severe accident studies. In this report, mechanical properties of uranium and zirconium oxide solid solution evaluated in the ZrO$$_{2}$$ content range from 10% to 65%.



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