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Inclusive double-helicity asymmetries in neutral-pion and eta-meson production in $$vec{p}$$ + $$vec{p}$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 GeV

Imai, Kenichi; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; PHENIX Collaboration*; 378 of others*

Results are presented from data recorded in 2009 by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider for the double-longitudinal spin asymmetry, $$A_{LL}$$ for $$pi^0$$ and $$eta$$ production in $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 GeV polarized $$vec{p}$$ + $$vec{p}$$ collisions. The effect of adding the new 2009 $$pi^0$$ data to a recent global analysis of polarized scattering data is shown, resulting in a best fit value $$Delta G$$ = 0.06 $$_{-0.15}^{+0.11}$$ in the range 0.05 $$<x<$$ 0.2.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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