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Report No.

Environmental impact of nitrate nitrogen in sub-surface disposal system on surface water and sensitivity analysis of distribution coefficient of nitrate ion and porosity of waste layer on the environmental safety assessments

Nakamura, Yasuo; Nakatani, Takayoshi 

Sodium nitrate is included bituminized waste generating from the reprocessing plant of spent fuel which is disposed of in sub-surface disposal facility. Because the sodium nitrate is soluble material in surface water, it is a concern impact on surface water. Such as non-radioactive materials are not strictly regulated by "the Law for the Regulations of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors", but should be considered by related laws and regulations according to former basic policy. Because it is regulated as nitrate nitrogen by "The Basic Environment Law", the valuation of the environmental impact on general sub-surface disposal system was carried out. As the results, the concentration of nitrate nitrogen in river water whose annual quantity of water is rather than 1$$times$$10$$^{5}$$m$$^{3}$$/y is below the regulated value at the small scale surface waters as evaluation point.



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