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Report No.

Study on the behavior of radiolytically produced hydrogen in a high-level liquid waste tank of a reprocessing plant; Comparison between actual and simulated solutions

Kinuhata, Hiroshi*; Yamamoto, Masahiko   ; Taguchi, Shigeo ; Surugaya, Naoki ; Sato, Soichi ; Kodama, Takashi*; Tamauchi, Yoshikazu*; Shibata, Yuki*; Anzai, Kiyoshi*; Matsuoka, Shingo*

Experiments using a small-scale apparatus with 30 ml actual high-level liquid waste from the Tokai Reprocessing Plant were carried out to show that the hydrogen concentration in the gas phase reaches a steady-state value of much less than 4% (lower explosive limit) in the absence of sweeping-air. The H$$_{2}$$ concentration reached a steady-state value as was expected and it was compared with a value predicted from an equation with parameters which had been obtained using the simulated solution. Satisfactory agreement showed that the Pd-ion catalytic H$$_{2}$$ consumption reaction previously found in the simulated solution proceeded equally well in the actual solution.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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