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Report No.

Utilization of GTHTR300 waste heat for district heating and snow melting

Murata, Tetsuya*; Miwa, Shuichiro*; Sakashita, Hiroto*; Mori, Michitsugu*; Kasahara, Seiji  ; Yan, X. 

Application of a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) for snow melting and district heating in Hokkaido was investigated. Concept design of a heat delivery system, modeling of pipes and a heat exchanger, calculation of heat supply amount from HTGR, and determination of location of the HTGRs were carried out. Sapporo and Ishikari were assumed as a heat demand district. To supply the maximum heat demand 435 MW in a year, 2 GTHTR300s, a kind of design of HTGR, were required. Though the distance from the GTHTR300 site and the heat demand district was 40 km, the temperature of the GTHTR300 waste heat was enough for the district heating. Double pipe for the heat transportation from the GTHTR300 to the district was advantageous for less heat loss and smaller excavation area. This system required 9 double pipes and more that 5000 heat exchangers.



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