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Report No.

In situ X-ray diffraction investigation of the evolution of a nanocrystalline lithium-ion sieve from biogenic manganese oxide

Yu, Q.; Sasaki, Keiko*

Microbial catalysis, a primary pathway for the generation of Mn oxides in most natural environments, provides potential to fabricate new materials. A microtube-type lithium manganese oxide (LMO-MT) was synthesized through a solid-state transformation using Mn-oxidizing fungus, Paraconiothyrium sp. WL-2. Compared with abiotic precursors, the lithium-ion sieve microtube (HMO-MT) showed better performance for Li+ recovery. In order to clarify the formation process of LMO-MTs, in situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction was used to compare with three synthetic references. The effects of calcination temperature on crystal phase, composition, particle size and lattice parameters of the LMO-MTs were systematically discussed. It was found that the poorly crystalline structure of biogenic precursor as well as high content of organic matter facilitated the formation of highly crystalline LMO-MTs at low temperature. The unique structural properties of LMO-MTs, including high crystallinity and small lattice constant, are attributed to the high Li$$^{+}$$ sorption capacity of HMO-MTs.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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