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Report No.

High proton radiation tolerance of InAsSb quantum-well-based micro-Hall sensors

Abderrahmane, A.*; Ko, P. J.*; Okada, Hiroshi*; Sato, Shinichiro; Oshima, Takeshi; Shibasaki, Ichiro*; Sandhu, A.*

Tolerance of AlInSb/InAsSb/AlInSb heterostructures quantum-well-based micro-Hall sensors against proton irradiation of 380 keV and proton fluence in the range 10$$^{11}$$ and 10$$^{16}$$ (proton/cm$$^2$$) is reported. Defects and deep levels induced by proton irradiation into the heterostructures caused decreases in the mobility of the micro-Hall sensors. Degradation of the magnetic sensitivity started at a proton fluence of 10$$^{13}$$ (proton/cm$$^2$$) and continued with increasing proton fluence. The variation of the micro-Hall sensors sensitivity was minimal in low doped AlInSb/InAsSb/AlInSb heterostructure quantum wells. These micro-Hall sensors were operable even at proton fluence of 10$$^{16}$$ (proton/cm$$^{2}$$), which makes these devices suitable for space applications with lifetime of thousands of years in the outer space.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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