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Report No.

Doping control of realization of an extended Nagaoka ferromagnetic state from the Mott state

Onishi, Hiroaki  ; Miyashita, Seiji*

Inspired by the Nagaoka ferromagnetism, we propose an itinerant model to study the transition between the Mott singlet state and a ferromagnetic state by emulating a doping process in finite lattices. In the Nagaoka ferromagnetism, the total spin of the system takes the maximum value when an electron is removed from the half-filled system. To incorporate a procedure of the electron removal, our model contains extra sites as a reservoir of electrons, and the chemical potential of the reservoir controls the distribution of electrons. We demonstrate that, as a function of the chemical potential, the system exhibits ground-state phase transitions among various values of the total spin, including a saturated ferromagnetic state due to the Nagaoka mechanism at finite hole density.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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